Our activities

Created in 2017, Néosylva offers forest owners an innovative support model, while increasing the value of forests thanks to carbon sequestration.

Forestry France is a century-old family business, founded in 1902, and is now managed by Sylvestre Coudert. Forestry France, is the leading independent forestry asset management company in France.

Forestry Europe is a company specialising in the appraisal and management of forestry assets in Europe. This initiative results from the association of Forestry Club de France, F&W and Everwood who decided to create an ecosystem in which members pool their skills and build synergies to offer the very best to their clients.

Founded in 1962, F&W is the No. 2 forestry consulting and management company in the United States. Its services include forest transactions, forest management, inventory and mapping services, carbon valuation and natural capital preservation.

Wooday is a producer and distributor of wood energy. Wooday produces and distributes wood energy products: pellets, wood logs and compressed wood logs all over France. Wooday brings together four e-commerce websites with national coverage and aims to consolidate other players in the wood-energy sector.


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