Everwood present at the annual Néosylva event

Everwood present at the annual Néosylva event

Everwood present at the annual Néosylva event 2560 1707 Everwood

On October 6th, Néosylva organised its annual event. Every year, the Néosylva team organises a day of discussions with all of its clients and partners, in order to showcase their work.

The Everwood team was delighted to be able to go to the Château de la Bretonnière to attend the presentations and educational workshops.

This annual meeting was an opportunity to discover Néosylva’s latest developments and projects, but also to follow the work of one of its forestry partners. This year, the wood-energy supplier and forestry operator BEMA was in the spotlight.

The day’s programme, included various demonstrations including woodchip production along with tree cutting by BEMA on a plot of land recently reforested by Néosylva. This last workshop allowed Néosylva to discuss subjects such as reforestation aid and technical surveys. The association Fibois Pays de la Loire also presented its initiatives in support of wood-energy.

This event highlighted the challenges of forestry work and the sector as a whole, but also the importance of sustainable management of French forests.

Some photos from the day:


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