Bois Énergie Nord now has more than 20 warehouses!

Bois Énergie Nord now has more than 20 warehouses!

Bois Énergie Nord now has more than 20 warehouses! 1280 853 Everwood

Bois Énergie Nord now has more than 20 warehouses!

With two new warehouses in the 63rd (Puy-de-Dôme) and 49th (Maine-et-Loire) departments (completed in June), Bois Énergie Nord now distributes its products in more than 20 warehouses!

About Bois Énergie Nord

Created in the North of France and then repositioned by Everwood 3 years ago, Bois Énergie Nord specialises in the sale of wood-based energy products: pellets, logs and densified wood.

Thanks to its digital presence, its geographical location, and a favourable market where wood energy is attracting more and more consumers who are concerned about the environment and their expenses, the growth projections for Bois Énergie Nord are promising.


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